Sunday, February 24, 2008

War Buddies- Part 7

First off, sorry for the rather long delay. As I've said in some of my comments, it was a combination of new job, moving, and lack of new episodes. It has made it hard to keep up with a consistent posting schedule. Things have settled down personally so posting should be back a little more regularly.

In this post, I look at this weeks hero comic. I've not posted much about the different comics, but ironically, it is the source of some of the better information regarding the series. Heroes does an OK job of making sure that you can follow the series without knowing anything about the comic.

This week continued a story the left several months ago, the story of Linderman and Arthur Petrelli. We see Linderman back from the war still haunted by the horrific scenes he bore witness to. A mysterious woman approaches him and arranges to meet later. Now who accepts something like this? Granted she is hot, but if some random woman came up to you and just invited you to the middle of nowhere, do you follow her?

Anyway, he eventually demonstrates his power to her only to find out that she has been hunting him down to steal his powers. This leads to three interesting things

  • The girl had the power to "steal" others powers. It looks like she needed to have physical contact for her power to work. However, she could have been using her power to incapacitate Linderman and then acquire his power Sylar-like.
  • Decades before Mohinder's father's discovered how to locate specials, someone else is hunting down people with abilities. How this is happening is the interesting question. Could it be someone else has the power to located those with abilities?
  • Who is this "She" that the stealer refers to? If Arthur wasn't on the list, I would love to accuse Angela Petrelli.
The last point is pretty interesting. Is there a mastermind behind a plot to acquire more powers?