Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Season 3, Episode 1 - The Second Coming

Claires brain
Going a little bit backwards, since I missed the first week. So here is my review of Episode 1.

One of the first things that immediately jumps out to me is the question, who was Angela Petrelli talking to one the phone immediately after Nathan is shot? Clearly she wasn't talking to the attacker and she wasn't talking to anyone who planned the attack. Right now, the only explanation is that she knew the shooting was going to happen, and was talking to someone about why they didn't prevent the attack. I'm thinking she is the reason Nathan was able to heal. She knew about the upcoming attack, and made arrangements to be sure Nathan would survive. She even confirmed her knowledge of the attack at the end of the episode as she talked to Future Peter.

I'm not sure the person who Nakamura refers to as having "purity of blood, the "light" to safeguard against the darkness" is Claire. That is clearly the easy answer to go to. We have all seen what her blood is capable of. We also know she is "special" thanks to Sylar. But I have a hard time believing that the writers would make it that obvious. So far, not a big fan of the "formula" story arc. I'm sure the formula will become more important over time, but right now, it is particularly uninteresting to me compared to the rest of the action.

Mohinder continues to be my least favorite character. He makes mistake after mistake. I'm not sure if the writers are doing this on purpose to make a point about him or this is just being done by accident. He didn't kill Sylar when he could have (multiple times) and now he is essentially opening up Pandora's box. Who really thinks it is a good idea to give powers to everyone?

They finally shed a little bit of light on how Sylar gains his ability. They even made a joke about Sylar eating brains, which was a popular explanation among Heroes' fans. I am NOT a fan of Sylar getting healing abilities. It's not that I don't want the bad guy to get powerful. In fact, I think there needs to be a balance between good and evil in this show. But invulnerability should only be reserved to a special few. I wasn't a huge fan of Peter getting the power either. I didn't mind Claire and Adam having the ability because they were limited in their powers. But when you combine the defensive power of Claire with the offensive power of Peter and Sylar, it becomes a little much.

I don't think Linderman is real in this case. I totally think it is a figment of either Peter's imagination or that he is being manipulated by Maury Parkman. Nathan seems like a pawn. Someone who keeps getting used by those around him. I'm almost certain at this point that his mother is behind this manipulation, but thus far don't have any proof.

Overall, an OK way to start the season. Episode 2 coming soon.

What were your thoughts on the first episode of the new season?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Season 3, Episode 3 - First Thoughts

Interesting Episode. I'll dive into soon when I get a chance, but just wanted to put down some initial thoughts.

  • I really like that they are given duplicate powers to people
  • Mrs Petrelli as Sylar's Mother?
  • The company engaged in a cloning program?
  • Can Sylar really be a good guy?
Off the top of my head, I don't really think Sylar is a Petrelli, or at least not in the true sense. I somehow doubt that Angela Petrelli would just give up her son. The only plausible explanation I can come up with is that it is either not Arthur's son, in which case she was hiding Sylar, or he is one of the "cloned" children the company seems to have created, like Niki or Tracy...

I do think Sylar can walk the line of "good" guy for at least a while. First off, I've never thought Sylar is as evil as people make him out to be. There is no doubt he is power hungry. But for me he has never be truly evil because he doesn't kill indiscriminately. He doesn't kill innocent people. All his murders have been in direct attempts to obtain more power for himself. While certainly not "noble" it doesn't put Sylar in the category of crazy lunatic either. Besides, I always thought the creators would do this to the character. He is after all, Gabriel Gray. "Gray". Not Black, not White, but "Gray".

More thoughts tomorrow as I start disecting the first three episodes. Until then, what jumped out to you in the episode.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm Back for Season 3

OK, I, like Heroes, decided to take a break from this blog. Couldn't keep it up when there wasn't new material being developed.

Now that Heroes is back, I'll be starting to blog about it again. I didn't blog all of last week because I honestly couldn't watch it on Monday. Believe me, I was not happy about it but last week was not a good one at work.

I'll start this thing back up again. I'll be one week behind, but I'll catch up quickly. I'll do some analysis of Episode one and two at the beginning of the week and I'll catch up to episode 3 before the end of the week.

Just off the top it looks that Season 3 will be a significant improvement over Season 2. Already lots of action and lots of questions

  • Why is Claire Special? Will Claire survive getting her head chopped off? Is Sylar really invincible now too?
  • Who healed Nathan? Is he going crazy when he sees Linderman or is something else going on?
  • Why is Ando going to betray Hiro?
  • Mohinder, is he still as stupid as he was last season? Seems like it!
  • Ma Petrelli, which side is she really on anyway?
I'll try to get to a few of these ASAP, but will probably wait till after episode 3 to dive in and see what they reveal.