Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Character Analysis

First off, the move went great. I'm back in California and the new job is keeping me busy. It's a good thing that the writer's strike is going on, as I wouldn't have been able to keep up with any new Heroes happenings.

Since we are now faced with no new episodes, I thought I would do something a little bit different. I'm going to take a character and write about them. I will do one character a week for now, and may increase the frequency if I can find time in my busy schedule. If anybody has thoughts or suggestions on what you want to see, feel free to comment.

I will mostly be covering the heroes and my thoughts on them, their powers, and what the future may hold. I will focus at first on some of the bigger, more important characters, but will eventually make my way to some of the lesser ones. I hope to put the first one out very soon, and then follow it up every week.

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