Monday, October 6, 2008

Quick Thoughts on "I Am Become Death"

Now that's was a pretty good episode. Much better than the second season. Already we have some pretty exciting developments. Peter travels to the future only to find a world full with people with abilities. When he finds Sylar, he discovers that Sylar is his brother. But Sylar has turned to "Gabriel" and reformed.

Gabriel tells Peter about the horrible nature of his power. It causes a terrible hunger for power. Not unlike a vampire's thirst for blood. We see a full demonstration of this hunger as he attacks the one person he truly loves, Peter. So what will become of Peter? Will he become as evil as Sylar? Somehow I doubt it. I'm sure Peter will somehow overcome this just from the inherent goodness he has thus far demonstrated.

And how about that ending? We knew of course that Adam would make it back, but how he made it back is pretty interesting. Angela essentially saved him. I think, at this point, she is the one doing the manipulation. I'm not so sure Adam really is the key to the whole thing. I just think that Angela wanted to save Adam for her own evil purposes.

Will add some more in depth analysis throughout the week after I get a chance to fully digest it.

1 comment:

pug0matic said...

Great episode! I don't know how I feel about the Company giving Nathan his powers. Who knows who else wasn't born with them. I'm sure it will all fall into place and I'll feel differently late rin the season. Now we know how Ando gets his power and kills Hiro.

I suppose Angela is not Sylar's biological mother but the person who created him. I can't wait to see that flashback.

I think the role reversal of Sylar and Peter is awesome. To see Gabriel conquer his hunger and Peter succumb to it is great story telling.