We don't have a lot of details yet on who Adam Monroe is. We only know three bits of information.
1. He is one of the founders (as said on the Heroes Mobile Game)
2. His name appears on a folder Bob had
3. Peter was seemingly working with him at one point
There are only two males thus far unaccounted for in the twelve.So Adam is seemingly one of these two. But is he the killer? Hard to say at this point. It certainly seems to be the most logical choice. Clearly, Adam is one of the missing twelve, which would corroborate what Kaito says at the time of his death. He has left a note to Peter suggesting he knows the Company to be up to no good. If he had left that note to Peter several months ago, he might have started to take matters into his own hands.
One interesting thing that popped to my mind when I heard the name Adam was that it would be very appropriate if Adam was the first of the Evolved Human, much like Adam was the first Human. If that is the case, it might mean that Adam is actually Takezo Kensei, who seems to be the first to have developed powers. It would also correlate nicely with Kensei meaning "God Send". Wouldn't that tie everything up quite nicely? It would even further explain how Kaito recognized the killer, and the killer survived the fall (since he could regenerate). I don't really think all the above is true, but it would make things interesting.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Who is Adam Monroe?
10:38 AM
Labels: Adam Monroe, peter, The Company, The Twelve
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Line
An interesting episode overall. For a recap you can go here. My thoughts are below.
For one thing, glad my theory of what was going to happen between Kensei and Hiro was right. I'm still not 100% sure that Kensei has gone over the edge and can't return, but it sure isn't looking too good right now. While I agree with Kensei that it was a back-stabbing move on Hiro's part, handing everybody over to the enemy isn't the answer. I still think Kensei is going to have to make an appearance in modern times. Heroes would not have a story line disjunct from the main thread. Remember, everything is connected, and there is little doubt that the Kensei story is going to have an impact on the current plot. I think Hiro, to preserve the timeline, is going to have to complete the Kensei story himself. He is going to be the one who "sacrifices his heart" for the princess when he leaves this time, to return to his own. Remember, he pronounced to his father in Landslide, "To save what is most important, to cut out my own heart." Perhaps this is an allusion to what he will have to do.
The two other interesting things that happened were the discovery of the remaining paintings. In it you clearly see a couple of events happening. Mohinder is firing a gun. Perhaps he is the man who kills Mr. Bennet in the final picture. You see Peter with a kind of ghostly look on his face. You see a blonde woman trapped in what looks to be a large metal container. You see hiro and Takezo in a sword fight. And you see a vial, no doubt holding the virus that is going to wipe out the world.
Which brings us to the end scene. Peter makes it to Montreal, and discovers a note left to him from an Adam. We were introduced to the name "Adam Monroe" earlier when Mohinder saw Bob holding a folder with that name. Rumors have it Adam is one of the twelve. It may be that Adam is the "killer" of the twelve, but that would mean the killer is a good guy. He clearly has worked with Peter in the past (probably in the missing 4 months) and Peter is a known good guy, so I doubt he would knowingly help a "bad guy". As he embraces, Caitlan, he unknowingly uses Hiro's power to transport to the future and finds himself in a deserted Time Square. He picks up a piece of litter, to discover it is an evacuation notice for June 14, 2008.
My theory is that they did indeed mutate the virus, and it has reached the general population like Mohinder has feared. That is what is in the vial depicted in Isaac's painting.
11:18 AM
Labels: 206, Adam Monroe, Hiro, HRG, paitings, peter, Takezo Kensei
Monday, October 29, 2007
Picture of Kaito's Killer
I've had some discussions with people about who is Katio's killer. After last week's episode, and the revelation of who the nightmare man is, many would jump to the conclusion that Maury Parkman is indeed the killer seeking out the twelve. I have not yet jumped to this conclusion yet. Here is a picture of the bad guy right before and during his attack of Kaito.
Just looking at the profile of the attacker, I can tell you right now, that's not Matt's father. The attacker clearly has a more athletic build than Maury Parkman. I have heard it suggested that it is just an "illusion" casted by Maury, but I don't believe that either. Clearly Kaito recognizes the attacker, so unless Maury has an illusion of himself that he consistently uses, I doubt that could be it.
You have to also pay attention to what Kaito says. When the attacker reveals himself/herself (this could definitely be a woman), Kaito states, "Of all of them, I never expected it would be you". That gives us to important clues. First, it's one of the twelve. Second, it wasn't someone he would have expected. This leads me to believe even further it isn't Matt's dad. Why not? You would expect it to be him. We know Matt's dad has a criminal past, and others in the twelve would know that too. If that is the case, then Kaito WOULD have expected it to be him.
And the last thing, nothing in Maury's power would allow him to survive a 30 story drop, unless he has some yet to be revealed power.
9:38 AM
Labels: Kaito, Killer, Maury Parkman, Picture of Heroes Bad guy
Friday, October 26, 2007
Heroes - Never Black and White
One of the things I really love about the characters in Heroes is that things are rarely, if ever, black and white. In most things, you clearly know who is good or evil. Superman is good. Lex Luthor is bad. The bad guy is easy to identify.
Not so in Heroes. Take any of the characters, there are many many levels to each of them. The most obvious character to demonstrate this is Jessica/Niki. The dual personality is constantly fighting between good and evil. But not all characters are so obvious. Even the the most evil character, Sylar, has shown his humanity in The Hard Part. If events had only transpired in a slightly different way, we may be talking about Sylar the hero, rather than Sylar the bad-ass murderer.
I thought about this even as I wrote that Takezo Kensei is a bad guy. In reality, I know he isn't truly evil. I know that him knocking out Hiro could very well be interpreted in many different ways. I thought about it as I wrote about Matt and Maury Parkman. Clearly Matt struggles with the demons that he has inherited from his father. Demons that were on display when we see Dark Matt Parkman in the future. The Matt we know is the epitome of courageousness and heroism, but it only took a few critical events to turn him to the lackey of Sylar and against his own kind.
9:13 AM
Labels: Duality, Hiro, Jessica/Nik., Sylar, Takezo Kensei
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Maury Parkman - Where Matt is heading?
This week we are introduced to Maury Parkman, Matt's dad. We discover that he and Matt have similar powers. I'll be honest and say, I didn't quite expect this. It has seemed to me that powers aren't exactly like hair color. That is, there isn't a direct correlation between a heroes power and the powers of his/her parents (see Claire, Nathan, and Meredith)
So Maury and Matt share the same abilities. We got a brief glimpse of what is possible for Matt. Thus far, Matt's ability has been a one way street, allowing him only to READ the minds of those close to him. Maury shows us there is more to come. He can project mental images into the minds of others, even over great distances (Molly is at least several hundred miles away)
I have to admit, I have until now thought Matt's power to be pretty weak. While other heroes have some great offensive abilities, Matt's Mind reading is very defensive in nature. Given my thoughts about his power, I've had great respect for Matt. His bravery is almost unmatched among the heroes we have met so far, he is the first to run into a situation against people he knows to be more powerful than himself. But with the revelation that Matt's power will expand over time, Matt's powers might become very interesting.
We know now that he will at least be able to extend his powers to be two way (proven by the message he is able to get to Nathan during their fight) as well as project illusions into the minds of others (which would put him on par with Candince) If he can extend this to Mind Control, well then we have one heck of a powerful Evolved person.
One thing that does bother me about Matt, considering he is one of the more likable characters, is that he could very well end up like his father. Matt definitely has a dark-side, as witnessed in Five Years Gone. Also,despite the fact he is taking care of Molly, the fact remains, he has left his family, including his son, just like his father. He has used the excuse that he found out the child was not his, but this can not be true. In Five Years Gone, he shows great concern over Janice and her son, Matthew. Further, Matthew is an evolved human, because he is being hidden by Bennet. This is even further confirmed by Janice in the nightmare that Matt has in Maury's apartment, as she accuses him as much. So, it seems obvious that it is indeed Matt's son. Yet he has abandoned him, much like his father abandoned him. And we know how that ended up.
10:26 AM
Labels: Janice, lost powers, Matt Parkman, Maury Parkman, Telepathy
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Takezo takes out Hiro: confirmed.
In my previous post, Takezo Kensei - Bad Guy?, I offered as evidence, a picture showing someone walking over Hiro, who might have been Takezo Kensei.
Like I mentioned in the previous post, I saw a glimpse of a scene during next week's preview which looked like Kensei hitting someone from behind. Here is a picture that confirms my theory.
What is going to cause this change in Takezo? Is it going to be a dispute of Yaeko? Maybe just Kensei obviously self-serving nature taking over? Perhaps this is a ruse, and not actually as bad as it looks? I guess we will find out next week.
11:15 AM
Labels: Hiro, Takezo Kensei
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Fight or Flight
Rather than do a recap of the episode, which you can get in a lot of different places, I thought I would just give my random thoughts on the episodes. If I think something deserves a more in depth analysis, I will do it sometime in the week.
Kristen Bell's new character, Elle, seems interesting. Her electrical power is similar to Peter's new found power which probably means Peter has encountered her. Many have guessed that Peter's power was a different form of the power he acquired from Ted, but that doesn't quite make sense in light of Elle. Peter's power much more closely resembles her. This can only be explained if he somehow met her before. Perhaps sometime in the four months missing in his life.
Maury Parkman being evil, even after being seemingly innocent, did not come as a shock. He is clearly a "bad guy", but I'm not so sure he is the bad guy. His body type just doesn't match that of Kaito's killer. It has been suggested by some, that he perhaps caused it to be an "illusion" to Kaito, but I don't think so. It just doesn't quite fit.
I still stand by my previous post. Takezo is about to go bad. Something is going to happen when they attack Whitebeard's army. I believe I caught a glimpse of Takezo hitting a man from behind, most likely Hiro, in the preview. If I can get a screen capture of it, I will post it up.
Why is Mohinder showing up at Monica's door? She doesn't seem to be in any danger, so it seems odd that the Company would just send him there to do anything about her. Perhaps if he was in the same capacity as HRG was before he left, but he isn't. So it seems unlikely that the company would just send Mohinder to bring Monica in.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Takezo Kensei - Bad Guy?
Could it be? Could Hiro's hero be evil? It is clear from the beginning, that Kensei does not quite live up to the legend. Instead of the noble and brave warrior that Hiro grew up hearing about, he is a self-serving coward with no honor. He was hired by Yaeko and her father to take care of the bandits, but he instead hires someone else to do the dirty work.
Further, take a look at this picture, seen in the beginning montage of the season.
In this shot, you see a fallen Hiro. In the background, you see several of Whitebeard's men, Yaeko, and another unarmed man (who is in all likelihood the swordsman). But where is Kensei? Look at the person stepping over Hiro. Look at the armor he wears. It is Kensei's Armor.
This differs from any armor of Whitebeard's men, who wear very noticeable red armor.Clearly there is something going on here. Why would Kensei, in front of Whitebeard's men, be walking over the body of a fallen Hiro? Also, something Takezo said to Hiro really stuck out in my mind. At the end of Kindred, Kensei says to Hiro, "But what if I can't do this without you. Only you can keep me from returning to my heathen ways. You are like my conscience."
Perhaps, Hiro's love for Yaeko is discovered by Takezo. This "betrayal" by Hiro coupled with the fact that Kensei is already on the precipice between good and evil, pushes Kensei over the edge. This could also explain the reference to Kensei tearing out his own heart for the love of the princess. With Kensei, this could happen both metaphorically, he has lost the love of Yaeko, or it could even happen figuratively, as Kensei could have his heart ripped out,and live to tell about it.
All myths have some truth in them. What could very well happen is that Hiro falls in love with Yaeko. In order to defend her, he must master the sword (which explains Future Hiro's bad ass sword skills). In the end, he must leave Yaeko, and return to his proper time, thus leaving his heart. Of course, he could battle the actual Kensei, ripping out his heart. Over time, the story might have gotten mixed into one, thus creating the story of the Dragon of Kiso Mountain.
Theories also abound, that Kensei is in fact the bad guy who pushes Kaito off the ledge. It would explain the ability to walk away from the accident. As Detective Fuller ironically states during the investigation, "Either the killer fell twenty stories, got up and walked away, or flew away. You know somebody who can do that?" Clearly Kensei could. However, I'm not so sure. Kaito recognizes his killer, and it is implied that he is part of the original twelve. Kensei does not appear in the picture of the twelve. It is possible that his appearance has changed over the course of centuries, and he is one of the yet to be identified members. It is also possible that he has lived for many centuries, with his healing factor working much like Wolverine's, enabling him to resist the ravages of father time.
10:18 AM
Labels: Immortal, Takezo Kensei, The Company, The Twelve
Friday, October 19, 2007
Sylar - Where are His Powers?
In episode three, we are reintroduced to Sylar, but this time, things don't seem quite right. He is injured, and being cared for by Candince. When he attempts to move a cup using his TK, he fails. Candince explains to him that his powers will return with time, as soon as his chest heals. Sylar then promptly kills her in an attempt to obtain her power of illusion. When he attempts to use it, he fails, showing that not only are his old powers gone, but so are any newly obtained ones.
In episode four, even though he seems to be relatively OK, he is still unable to use any of his powers. He must take a brick and kill Dennis by smashing in his skull. Even his original ability seems to be non-functioning, as he is unable to discover Maya and Alejandro's abilities on his own.
So the question remains, when will Sylar's power return? Will they all return? I for one hope not. Here is my big problem with both Sylar and Peter, their powers can grow almost limitlessly. At some point, Heroes is going to have to address this. Peter is already WAY to powerful. He is like Superman (flight, strength, invulnerability, energy projection) with the ability to teleport, manipulate time, read minds, move objects with his mind, turn invisible, etc. They are going to have to find a way to limit the power of these characters (much like DC did when they toned down Superman).
9:55 PM
Labels: lost powers, peter, Superman, Sylar
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Twelve Revealed
In the episode Kindness of Strangers, the original twelve members of the company were revealed. A photo of the twelve is shown when Peter discovers it among his parents paper when attempting to help Matt Parkman uncover the mystery of the godsend symbol found on torn pictures of Angela Petrelli and Kaito Nakamura. You never get a perfectly clear shot of all twelve at the same time, but you can get all twelve in two separate scenes. The best shot is below
This picture excludes the person on top most left corner. You can see her in the following picture.
Starting from the top-left and working our way down we know that the following people are
- Unknown
- Linderman
- Arthur Petrelli
- Angela Petrelli
- Kaito Nakamura
- Bob
- Victoria Pratt (update)
- Maury Parkman
- Unknown
- Charles Deveaux
- Unknown
- Unknown
Update 12/5: This is now the best picture of the 12 there is. We also know #7 is now Victoria Pratt. That leaves four yet unnamed members of the twelve. This shot was taken in the warehouse in Montreal.

11:03 AM
Labels: Company, The Twelve
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Kindness of Strangers - Recap
A New Hero -Monica - Photographic Reflexes
Micah is woken up in the house of his great-aunt Nana when is cousin Damon throws water on his face. His other cousin Monica is excited about a manager exam at "Burger Bonanza" she is about to take which she hopes will help her get out of flood ravaged New Orleans. Damon wants $65 so he can watch a pay-per-view wrestling match, which Nana declines to give to him. Monica starts her shift, and while talking to her friend, carves a decorative tomato rose which she done on TV earlier that morning. Her manager grabs her to talk about the results of the test, which were average, but he doesn't believe she is capable because of her home life.
Micah is able to get the Pay-per-View wrestling match so Damon can watch, but he is scolded for doing this by Monica. As Monica prepares to give them their dinner, she sees a wrestler perform the 619 move. Later, as she locks up the burger joint, a thief attempts to rob her. She instinctively performs the 619 move on him, and successfully gets him to flee. Her manager sees what happens and as where she learned that move. Monica replies, "On TV"
A Blossoming Romance
Claire's parents have concerns about whether or not Claire is seeing anyone. She insist she is not. She is later approached by a cheerleader who wishes to see Claire on the team after she demonstrated her willingness to stand up to the head cheerleader, Debbie. Wes catches up with Claire to tell her how amazing their time together is. She attempts to stop seeing him, but he insist that she give him one more night together. Claire lies about going to the library. When her father follows her around the corner, she is gone, having flown away with Wes. He takes her to the top of the Hollywood sign. He ask to see her powers, to trust him, and when she jumps off the sign, he flies to catch her and they embrace in a kiss. When she returns home late, she uses the excuse that she snuck off to do cheerleading to cover her tracks. The Haitian comes to talk to HRG and tells him that he has found another painting in Odessa, Ukraine.
The Bogeyman revealed
Molly wakes up in another nightmare and is comforted by Matt and Mohinder. The frequency of the nightmares is increasing, to two a night.
Nathan visits his two boys at their private school and promises to come home soon. He reminds them that when Petrellis make promises, "They keep them"
Matt later meets with Angela Petrelli who is in a hospital. She confesses to the murder of Kaito Nakamura, although she is clearly lying. She states, "My head is clear now. I understand. The only way out of this is for me to confess". The words are cryptic, and clearly have a deeper meaning. Nathan confronts Matt over the confession, but Matt reveals that he knows Angela is innocent because he read her mind. He convinces Peter to help him uncover the mystery of the "Symbol". They go back to Peter's place to find the photo of the "12". When they find it, they are shocked that one of them, is Matt's Father.
Matt goes to Molly to see if he can find her. He left him at age 13 with only $120 and a pat on the head. However, when he shows the picture to Molly, she screams in horror. Matt's father is the boogeyman! Despite her fear, Molly agrees to help Matt find his father. However, as she searches for him (she locates him in Philadelphia, in a 3rd floor apartment, #9). As she finds him, she screams and enters a coma. In her mind, she screams, "Matt, Help Me! Matt!"
Sylar Is Found
Maya and Alejandro continue to try and make it into the United States. Along the way, they find a nearly dead Sylar, who introduces himself by his real name, Gabriel Grey. How he got there is a big mystery since last time we saw him he appeared to be on a jungle island. They share their respective stories, and they discover that Sylar knows the man they seek, Chandra Saresh. Sylar offers to introduce them.
It is discovered that the twins are wanted for murder. When confronted, Maya almost loses it but is brought back by Alejandro. Sylar, almost killed by this, discovers the twins' power, and they take off leaving a murdered Derek behind. (A cockroach is seen by Derek's dead body as they leave) It should be noted, that Sylar seems to have lost some of his powers, as he kills Derek by smashing a brick to his head. Sylar comforts the twins by saying, "Believe me, I understand. To be held responsible for things that you didn't mean to do".
9:21 PM
Labels: 204, Kindness of strangers, recap, Season 2